Oh Look, A Countertop Ice Cream Sandwich Machine

Here at Consumerist, we enjoy bringing you the very latest in useless appliances that are glorified toasters or waffle makers. Cupcakes? Pies? Dog treats? Pretzels? Hot dogs? If you’re really into any of these products, you can find a dedicated electric countertop cooker for them. Should you? We don’t know, but now there’s an electric ice cream sandwich maker that you can set on your counter as well.


If you’re so into ice cream sandwiches that you need a dedicated appliance for them, we are somewhat concerned on your behalf. Come to think of it, this monotasker makes even less sense than the pretzel machine or the cake pop machine, since you still have to go to the effort of combining the cookies and the ice cream into a sandwich-like object.

We must be wrong, though, because Amazon reviews for this product declare it to be “great for kids.”

Nostalgia Electrics ICS-100 Electric Ice Cream Sandwich Maker [Amazon]

ATTENTION: This is a Real-Life Ice Cream Sandwich Maker [Foodbeast]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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