Pumpkin Spice Egg Nog Exists To Quench Public’s Infinite Pumpkin Spice Thirst

Remember when we featured the Creamsicle-flavored, Halloween-marketed, orange-colored TruMoo novelty milk and said, “At least it isn’t pumpkin spice”? Well, about that. In the novelty dairy beverage cooler at Walmart, right near the orange TruMoo, we found the newest and greatest holiday mashup: pumpkin spice egg nog.


This is not to be confused with Easter egg nog, or even Halloween nog. Yes, there’s plain old “spooktacular” egg nog for your fall festivities that require nog, but does that have actual pumpkin purée in it? It does not.

Don’t get us wrong, we love traditional egg nog, which involves three of our editorial staff’s favorite things: alcohol, cinnamon, and eggs. We even like pumpkin spice in small doses. We just worry that, much like Reese’s peanut butter eggs or marshmallow Peeps, nog will be available year-round and lose its holiday specialness.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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