TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/24/google-analytics-en-tiempo-real-infografia-infographic-seo/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Google Analytics en tiempo real #infografia #infographic #seo
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/24/google-analytics-en-tiempo-real-infografia-infographic-seo/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
¿Los cambios en Google son motivados por dinero? #infografia #infographic #seo
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/24/los-cambios-en-google-son-motivados-por-dinero-infografia-infographic-seo/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
El panorama de las Redes Sociales #infografia #infographic #socialmedia
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/24/el-panorama-de-las-redes-sociales-infografia-infographic-socialmedia/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Innovación en España 2013 #infografia #infographic
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/innovacion-en-espana-2013-infografia-infographic/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Un día en la vida de un viajero conectado #infografia #infographic #tourism
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/un-dia-en-la-vida-de-un-viajero-conectado-infografia-infographic-tourism/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Planifica tus viajes al extranjero #infografia #infographic #tourism
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/planifica-tus-viajes-al-extranjero-infografia-infographic-tourism/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Las 25 competencias más demandadas en Linkedin 2013 #infografia #infographic #socialmedia
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/las-25-competencias-mas-demandadas-en-linkedin-2013-infografia-infographic-socialmedia/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Las OPV españolas para 2014 #infografia #infographic
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/las-opv-espanolas-para-2014-infografia-infographic/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Hábitos sobre privacidad en FaceBook #infografia #infographic #socialmedia
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/habitos-sobre-privacidad-en-facebook-infografia-infographic-socialmedia/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Cosas de debes saber sobre las tarjetas de visita #infografia #infographic #marketing
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/cosas-de-debes-saber-sobre-las-tarjetas-de-visita-infografia-infographic-marketing/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
These 28 Kids Are Not Sure Who This Santa Claus Guy Is, But He Is Definitely Terrifying
Consumer reader Jackie says her one-year-old Seth was so put off by Santa he wouldn’t even make turn his head to look, while big brother Rylan appears to see the benefits of being nice to the big guy.
Every year, kids around the world chirp and buzz and otherwise make delightfully adorable noises about how excited they are to get presents from Santa Claus at Christmas. But the holiday reality of actually meeting the man in red? Well, that’s not always a cause for celebration, as these 27 photos of Consumerist readers’ kids clearly demonstrate. You try meeting a large stranger with a bunch of white stuff on his face and see how you’d feel.
We’d like to thank all our generous readers who sent in photos this year — and if you don’t see yours below, it might just have been too small for the collection so feel free to send it in next year. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all other kinds of warm feelings to you all. Take it away, kids.
Annie, 23 months: “Christmas chaos,” writes mom Mari.
Benji, 1: “We were blindsided because Benji normally loves strangers and regularly approaches and hugs random people,” explains his mom, Karin.
Jack, 4, and his sister, Helena, 1: “Jack is holding Helena’s hand to protect her from the big guy,” says mom Jennifer. “Or he may just be encouraging her to stop crying so they can both get presents.
Ruby, 6 months: “This is Ruby being scared of Santa,” writes mom Lindsey.
Lucas, 3 and Nora, 1: “Can’t really see Nora, but that’s the beauty of it!” says mom Sarah.
Michael, 11 months: “Eleven months old and his first Christmas why would he scream like that?” writes mom Cindy. “It’s not like I’m handing him over to a complete stranger dressed in bright red and with long white whiskers…. oh wait, oops my bad.”
Emily, 11 months, Hannah, 3: “My wife got this a week or so ago while she was shopping,” writes dad Todd. “Sums up our house pretty well.”
Billy Fred, 1 year and one month: “He was perfectly fine while we waited in line but once I put him in Santa’s hands the world had ended,” his mom Becca writes. “They snapped a few pictures and when I picked him up he was completely fine. It was like I never put him down!”
Jackson, 1: “This is his first visit with Santa Claus at a special fundraiser for the Junior League of Portland – I guess he thought we were feeding him to the wolves or something awful – it’s really a shame there’s no audio with the photo….”
Frankie, 3 and Eloise, 1: “We spent about 15 minutes chatting with Santa,” mom Amy explains. “Frankie got a little more brave, but Eloise looked suspicious the whole time. She was not having it. At least she didn’t vomit on him like Frankie did on her gingerbread house.”
Harper, 6 months: “She is 6 months old and absolutely hates Santa Claus,” her mom Brittney writes. “This her second time sitting on his lap and without fail, she screams. Santa doesn’t look like he’s too thrilled about the experience either.”
Ryan Jr., 6 months
Finn, 17 months: “This is as close as he got to sitting in Santa’s lap,” writes his mom Teresa. “We did get some fair photos with him sitting on the armrest though.”
Evelyn, 17 months: “She promised us ‘I no scream at Santa, mommy!’ ” writes her mom Amy. “Well, she clearly lied to us!”
Charlie-Nadine, 3 months: “Gotta love their first Christmas!” her mom says.
Otto, 2, visiting Santa last year: “He was absolutely excited and thrilled – until the very last minute, when he began to freak out and clutched his lollipop for dear life,” his parents Dan and Kalee write. “We just took him to Santa this year, and he’s over the fear, though he still didn’t quite understand why Santa didn’t have the presents he asked for on the spot…”
Hannah, 6, Joseph, 3 and Sarah, 18 months: “Sarah, the little screamer, was 18 months,” explains dad Joe. “She did NOT want to be there.”
Tyler: “Santa. The S in PTSD,” writes Tyler’s dad Mike.
Penelope, 8 months: “She HATED sitting on Santa’s lap,” her dad Benjamin says. “That’s her brother Everett sitting next to her.”
Madison, 2: “No story, just a great fear of the man in red,” her dad Justin explains.
Emma, 10 months and Logan, 23 months: “As soon as we pulled Logan off Santa’s lap she looked at me and said, ‘I Logan Santa fun.’ I asked her, ‘You thought seeing Santa was fun?’ ” her mom Laura says. “‘ Yes!’ she replied. Looks like a fun time, eh?”
Phyla, 1 and a half.
Sophia, 13 months: “She was hyperventilating for a good 10 minutes after this traumatic experience until Grandma could calm her down,” her mom Sarah explains.
Nathan, 2: “He wanted nothing to do with Santa and Mommys’ demon eyes make it that much funnier,” his mom Erica jokes.
Sunshine, 11: “This ‘child’ is not human but I thought it might fit for your photo gallery, especially since, well, everyone loves a Corgi!” his mom Amy writes. “This pic was taken at a fundraiser for the Louisiana SPCA. I’m pretty obsessed with my dog but I am not quite crazy enough to take her to see Santa if it’s not for charity!”
Claire, 6 and Olivia, 2: “This photo is from 2007 at a church Christmas breakfast in Moses Lake, Washington,” dad Nathan writes.
Mason, 1 and Olivia, 3: “They were not fans of Santa this year!” writes mom Kaitlin.
by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist
El sector del diseño web #infografia #infographic #design #internet
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/el-sector-del-diseno-web-infografia-infographic-design-internet/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
CVS Has Everything For The Busy Time-Traveling Mother In Your Life
I vaguely remember that day planners are what people once used to organize their lives before they used smartphones for that kind of thing. Apparently, no one in Jim’s town has had any need for one since 2009, so no one has noticed that they still have planners in stock from 2009.
He had to snap this picture quickly, but the information is all there: day planner, for mothers, and this photo was not taken on the clearance rack in February of 2009.
Parents often say that they’d like to relive their kids’ early years: maybe this is a tool for that.
by Laura Northrup via Consumerist
Is It Wrong For A Pet Store To Leave Cats Unattended During Christmas?
Most of us have the next couple of days off from work, which is fine since most of us have jobs where the well-being of a domesticated animal is not at stake. But one PetSmart volunteer says Corporate HQ has decreed that employees can’t come in on Christmas to check on the cats in the stores, which he believes is putting these animals at risk.
The reader says his PetSmart has an arrangement with the local animal shelter that allows the shelter to place its rescued kittehs at the store so as to improve their chances of being adopted.
“Volunteers come twice a day to feed, clean their litter, and play with them,” he explains. “During holidays, when PetSmart is closed, a store employee would come in to feed the fish and a volunteer would also come in for the cats.”
However, he says that PetSmart HQ has decided that no one is to come in between the store closing on Tuesday night and its re-opening on Thursday morning.
Some cat owners have no problem leaving their feline friends alone at home for a day or two, provided there is ample food, water and clean litter. Of course, one could argue that there is a big difference between leaving a cat alone in a house or an apartment, where it’s free to roam about and entertain itself, as opposed to being stuck in a small pet store cage.
We’ve reached out to PetSmart to see what the company’s policy is regarding care of in-store pets on Christmas and will update if we hear back, but we wanted to get readers’ opinions on the matter:
by Chris Morran via Consumerist
El plan de negocio para tu comercio electrónico (vídeo) #ecommerce
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/el-plan-de-negocio-para-tu-comercio-electronico-video-ecommerce/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Los mejores libros del siglo XXI #infografia #infographic
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/los-mejores-libros-del-siglo-xxi-infografia-infographic/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Guía Cloud Computing para entidades locales (Inteco) #internet
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/guia-cloud-computing-para-entidades-locales-inteco-internet/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Logística en la temporada navideña #infografia #infographic #ecommerce
TICs y Formación http://ticsyformacion.com/2013/12/23/logistica-en-la-temporada-navidena-infografia-infographic-ecommerce/ Via Alfredo Vela y www.bscformacion.com
Nobody Needs A Taco Hat From Taco Bell’s “Live Más” Store
If you’re a fan of a band or a TV show, you want branded merchandise that shows your support. Why shouldn’t it be the case for fast food? In recent years, White Castle brought us their shop, with a Snuggie-sleeping bag hybrid designed for hardcore vegetation. Now Taco Bell has opened a store to spread their message of “Live Más,” if “Más” means wearing Taco Bell jewelry and hats.
You might recognize the rings for sale in the Taco Bell Gift Shop when the company sent rings to a variety of famous pretty ladies with Twitter accounts. Now ordinary people can have the same wire jewelry mailed to glamorous models, except that we have to pay $25 for the set and look like plain old boring lumps while we wear them. From my computer at least, it’s not possible to add this “Limited Time Offer” to our web carts. That’s probably just as well.
Profits from store sales apparently go to the Taco Bell Foundation for Teens. Actual slogan: “To inspire and enable teens to achieve MAS.”
Live Más Store [Official Site] (via Brand Eating)
by Laura Northrup via Consumerist
Wells Fargo Employees Say Threat Of Being Fired Leads To Bad Behavior
A few months back, we told you about the 30 Los Angeles-area Wells Fargo employees who became former Wells Fargo employees when it was discovered they were opening bogus accounts to meet the bank’s demanding sales goals. According to a new investigative report on the megabank, Wells workers around the country are feeling pressured into behaving unethically just to avoid being fired.
“We were constantly told we would end up working for McDonald’s,” one former branch manager from Florida tells the L.A. Times. “If we did not make the sales quotas … we had to stay for what felt like after-school detention, or report to a call session on Saturdays.”
She says she resigned in 2010 rather than deal with the required hourly sales updates from regional managers, and the dangling threat of termination for those employees who failed to meet quotas.
Wells Fargo averages more than 6 financial products per household — several times the national average — but even that isn’t enough, with bank brass reportedly urging employees to shoot for the “Great 8,” meaning that each household would have bank accounts, credit cards, loans, and just about anything else you could get from a Wells Fargo branch.
To some, that pressure and the dread of losing their jobs led them to make bad, and sometimes illegal decisions. In addition to opening up duplicate accounts, one of the 30 Wells employees dismissed in October tells the Times that people at the bank used a company database to identify customers to pre-order credit cards for customers who had been pre-approved.
“They’d just tell the customers: ‘You’re getting a credit card,’” explains the former employee, who said that when customers would complain about the unasked-for cards, a manager would just chalk it up to a computer glitch.
Another former branch manager tells the Times she learned that some of her employees had talked a homeless woman into opening six different accounts, all just to meet quotas, when the woman only needed a single account in order to get her Social Security benefits direct-deposited.
“It’s all manipulation. We are taught exactly how to sell multiple accounts,” says the former manager, who helped the customer close all her unnecessary accounts. “It sounds good, but in reality it doesn’t benefit most customers.”
About the pressure from Wells HQ, she adds, “If you do not make your goal, you are severely chastised and embarrassed in front of 60-plus managers in your area by the community banking president.”
For its part, Wells maintains that it does have a focus on selling products to customers but disagrees with the notion of a boiler-room sales culture.
“This is something we take very seriously,” a rep for the bank tells the Times. “When we find lapses, we do something about it, including firing people.”
He also points out that most employees receive relatively little of their pay from bonuses, with only around 3% of tellers’ annual pay tied to sales goals.
But that may be a short-sighted viewpoint, as it assumes that these bad employees are behaving unethically out of greed.
If I work at a store and my boss tells me I need to sell $500 worth of widgets each day or I’m fired, it makes no difference to me whether I earn commission on those widgets. By telling an employee that his or her job is on the line, a boss is letting it be known that 100% of that employee’s wages are on the line, not just the small percentage tied to sales goals.
by Chris Morran via Consumerist
Dunkin’ Donuts Exec Commits Food Heresy, Predicts “Sausage Will Be The New Bacon”
Dear Dunkin’ Donuts, if you’re going to make the push for sausage as teh new bacon, you’ll have to do something more appealing than this. (Morton Fox)
Now I enjoy sausage just as much, maybe even more, than the average meat-eater, but no matter what form it takes — breakfast sausage, bratwurst, chorizo, andouille, kielbasa, etc. — sausage just isn’t bacon, which can be laid atop, wrapped around, and crumbled into just about any dish with good results. But one Dunkin’ Donuts exec believes there is truly untapped potential in the sausage.
“Sausage will be the new bacon,” Stan Frankenthaler, Executive Chef and VP of Product Innovation at Dunkin’ Brands, tells QSRweb.com about his predictions for the upcoming year in fast food. “This includes seeing sausage pop up in new and interesting ways, and also seeing different types of flavors of sausage being offered more broadly, from the traditional pork sausage to other varieties, such as turkey sausage, infused with different spices and ingredients.”
May we suggest the following:
•Sausage fries: They look like french fried potatoes, but are really just sausage
•Sausage burger: No, not replacing the beef patty in a hamburger with sausage, but using sausage patties as the buns. It’s like the KFC Double Down but with an extra layer of meat.
•Turduckensausage: Cook a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey inside a massive sausage casing.
by Chris Morran via Consumerist
Groupon Waits Until Now To Admit It’s Not Shipping Nexus 7 Purchased On Black Friday
Hey, remember that debacle in 2011 when Best Buy waited until a few days before Christmas to cancel many orders placed during the Black Friday frenzy? Groupon doesn’t. They offered a great deal on a Nexus 7 tablet through their Groupon Goods site on Black Friday, and kept promising that it would be on customers’ doorsteps by Christmas. Then they canceled the orders.
It was just last week that customers received an update that promised the tablets would be zipping out of the warehouse any minute now. Many customers probably received their tablets after that, but they aren’t the ones complaining to us and burning up Groupon’s Facebook page.
About a week ago, customers who had ordered the tablets received this message:
We know you’re on the lookout for it, so we wanted to give you an update on your order’s status. Although it may be arriving slightly later than expected, rest assured that you’ll get it before December 25-we’re even strapping some jetpacks on our reindeer to make up for lost time.
Maybe it was after sending that e-mail that Groupon learned that jetpacks aren’t a real thing. The message instilled false hope, which is why consumers were even angrier to receive their cancellation notices. The e-mail was blunt and chatty, and the company offered a $50 credit to customers stuck in this situation.
We know this is disappointing. In fact, it’s downright unacceptable, and we couldn’t be more sorry for the trouble. Failing to deliver as promised is something we take very seriously, and we’re especially sorry this happened so close to the holidays.
We don’t want to leave you without a gift at the last minute, so we’ve given you $50 to use before the end of the year on another deal that you can print or email instantly. Just sign into your account with this email address and choose any one of our 1,000s of giftable deals, and the $50 is yours.
The catch is that credit has to be used in ten days.
For customers who planned to give the tablet as a gift, an inkjet-printed voucher for a 1-hour hot stone massage doesn’t really compare to a Nexus 7, does it?
“So Groupon holds onto our money for 3 weeks,” reader Christian wrote to Consumerist, “sends us a reassuring email a week ago, and then cancels the item so close to Christmas that we are all in a scramble to find a replacement item.” Yes, that’s pretty much it. It would be nice if the tablets were still coming, just slightly after Christmas. That’s not the case. No tablet is coming. The $50 is nice, but not helpful when you’re depending on that gift to arrive by a certain date.
We contacted Groupon to find out whether they had an updated statement on this situation: they don’t yet. We’ll let you know when we hear anything.
by Laura Northrup via Consumerist
Send Us Your Nominations For The Worst Ads Of 2013
With 2014 in sight, it’s time to look back on the worst TV ads of the last year. We watch enough crap here in the Consumerist batcave to come up with our own suggestions, but we want to give our readers a chance to vent about the commercials that drove them crazy in 2013.
So if you’ve got a TV commercial in mind — or an advertising trend, or a piece of music that has been used in too many commercials — shoot us an e-mail at tips@consumerist.com with “WAIA2013″ in the headline.
Feel free to go into vitriolic detail about why you are particularly annoyed by the ad(s) you’re nominating, as it might help push your suggestion into the spotlight (where it will be quickly pelted with rotten fruit).
Send us those nominations by the end of day on Friday, Dec. 27!
by Chris Morran via Consumerist
Sick Of Husband’s Gambling, Wife Alerts Authorities To $600K Super Bowl Pools At Local Bar
All around the country, local bars operate betting pools where patrons pay a set fee to buy a shot at taking home everyone else’s cash. At lots of bars, the price for a box is reasonable, but some pools charge thousands of dollars to check off a single box. These pools often go ignored by police and other authorities, but after the wife of a Staten Island gambler complained to the state about the large sums being wagered at a local bar, that establishment is no longer accepting bets.
According to the NY Post, a woman in Staten Island sent an anonymous letter to the NY State Liquor Authority, complaining, “My husband spends all his money on these pools and not on our children,” and asking how the SLA could allow a bar to operate what she claimed was a $1 million illegal football pool.
The Authority must have been moved by her letter, as it quickly sent investigators to snap photos of the pool boards — indicating who had purchased which boxes in each pool — taped to the mirrored wall behind the bar.
The total prize value of the pools wasn’t $1 million, but it was still pretty substantial. Four pools were set to pay out $50,000 each to their winners, another two were worth $100,000 each and the largest pool discovered by SLA investigators was worth $200,000. Of course, to win that prize you’d have to pay $2,000 per chance.
While NY state law forbids any gambling on the premises of an establishment with liquor license, one insider at the SLA tells the Post that shutting down operations like this isn’t about curbing illegal football pools, but about fattening the authority’s coffers.
“It’s really a victimless crime, but a money-making operation for the SLA,” the insider alleges. “The fines are substantial considering the severity of the violation.”
by Chris Morran via Consumerist