Look, everyone! Outside! Can you see it? It’s Friday. It’s here. You know how we can tell? Because a video of the happiest guy in a Sam’s Club in dancing his butt off to the delight of customers just came across my desk, which is an Internet desk and looks like something from the future. Anyway, Friday!
A fellow going by the name of Edgar was hired by a cell phone company to do his thing and attract customers at the store, reports El Universal Veracruz.
His in-store shenanigans have earned him the nickname of “The Saw,” a moniker which has pretty evident origins if you watch a few minutes of Edgar twisting, shaking and making a cutting motion with his hands as he rhythmically humps the air around him.
Every store needs an Edgar.
Congratulations on your inevitable spot on the Dancing With the Stars roster, Mr. Saw!
by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist
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